Manchester United under pressure due to poor form – Fred
Manchester United’s summer signing Fred has indicated that the Red Devils have been put under pressure after making a mediocre start to the ongoing campaign. Jose Mourinho’s side were initially fancied to go head-to-head with Manchester City in the title hunt this term but things have paved differently from the start with United already seven points behind their cross-town rivals.
As such, there has been plenty of speculation regarding the future of Jose Mourinho as well as several players within the squad but Fred believes that has come about due to the club’s indifferent start to the campaign, he said: “Manchester United is a huge team, so, if results are not coming, people and the press will wonder why, for sure. They'll think something is wrong, so that's normal, that's a pressure you have anywhere, in a company, if results don't show up. And Man United is not different, with such the quality and importance they have.”
Meanwhile, “,Fred has not enjoyed a regular run with United since the season started but he is pleased “with the new surroundings where“, he is trying to “cope with the new language, he added: “I'm very happy in this new life I'm having, at this new club. I'm adapting. That's a bit different for me but very nice. They help me a lot to adapt and in everything, to learn English. This is very important for me.”
Fred is currently with the Brazilian national team with the international break underway and he will be hoping to make his presence felt when they play Saudi Arabia and Argentina in friendlies in the Middle East. After this, he is expected to join up with his United teammates for Premier League duty and their challenge does not get easier with a testing game against Chelsea on the road. United are presently only eighth on the table with 13 points on the board.